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Train the Trainer- Farrier (TTFA)

About the course

Becoming an Approved Training Farrier (ATF)

The FRC maintains a list of Registered Farriers who may train farriery apprentices known as ATFs. To gain entry to the ATF List registered farriers have to meet the minimum technical qualifications, educational and professional requirements as prescribed by the FRC at the time of application.

How to become an ATF

The FRC sets the requirements for admission to the ATF List. To become an ATF you must:

  • be a current Registered Farrier with 2 or more years practicing experience; and,
  • have successfully completed a higher Farriery Qualification such as the AWCF (pre 6 October 2023) or DipHE in Farriery, or have achieved another equine/farriery related higher qualification at Higher Diploma/Degree level; and,
  • have successfully completed the Train the Trainer Farrier Award (TTFA), or an equivalent coaching/training certificate; and,
  • demonstrate compliance with all aspects of Council policy, and in particular with the payment of annual retention fees, submission of the Annual Return and in meeting the requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and,
  • must not have been convicted of an animal welfare or animal cruelty offence or other serious crime.

Course Content - TTFA

The course is set up to support aspiring ATFs gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to successfully train Level 3 Farriery Standards Apprentices. Supported by experienced Tutors and working as part of team, attendees will complete a theory day n day one followed by practical activities on day two. You will be well-supported by friendly and experienced Tutors delivering a TTFA course tailored towards the needs of training Farriers.

For further information about the course please contact Mr Craig D’Arcy, Farriery Co-ordinator, ddarcy@myerscough.ac.uk or the short course team, adultskills@myerscough.ac.uk.

Additional Information/ Equipment

Farriers must attend with a complete farriery toolkit and be dressed ready for practical sessions.

Joining instructions will be mailed out shortly before the start of the course. If you have not heard from us please check the junk section of your email and contact us if you have not received your start information.


Farriery, or the shoeing of horses, is an ancient craft. A farrier is a skilled craftsperson, capable of making shoes to suit all types of horse and their working conditions. Modern farriers must have knowledge of the anatomy of horses’ feet and legs, be able to work alongside vets, manage and handle horses, understand and meet the needs of clients and successfully run their own business.

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Booking Forms

If you are booking courses as an individual please book and pay through the online system linked to each course website.

If you are booking any courses for multiple employees or are submitting a company booking please use this form.

If you are booking multiple 'Online Short Industry Courses please use this booking form.