Higher education Research Expo a success
- Published
- Friday 17 Nov 2023
University Centre Myerscough’s Research Expo was a huge success once again.

The conference was split into three main areas, covering Welfare of Managed Animals, Greenspace and Creative Studies, and Sport Science and Football.
The event promotes the whole concept of research and its essential part it plays in Myerscough’s learning experience. Once again the feedback showed it was an excellent event and attendees commented on how well the research had come across.
Guest speakers included Keynote addresses from Anna Williams, a Professor of Forensic Science at UCLan (‘Toxicology Solutions & Animal Welfare’), Dr Lis Larsen from the RHS (‘Ecosystem services of garden trees’), Kevin Martin from RBG Kew (‘Planning the future of a globally important tree collection’), Dr Graham Law from York St John University (‘A sociological analysis of professional footballers’ lives’), and Myerscough’s Rob Henry (‘Football coaches’ epistemological beliefs and in session coaching behaviours’).
Research topics included farriery hoof treatments, the global sloth trade and longevity, and ZIMS & CITES: Bridging the gap, while the day was also an opportunity for staff to present their current research projects, and degree level students to show their industry project research proposals.
Senior Lecturer in Animal Studies and Myerscough Research Lead, Louise Bell, said: ‘’We had fabulous speakers from the Forensic Science team at UCLan, our validating institution and our wonderful friends from LabCorp on the use of animal in toxicology.
‘’Our research active staff, Emma, Charlotte, Jess and I also presented on our work to date.
Teamwork is the absolute dream and our degree students did a great job of showcasing their work to other staff and peers, especially in their finest attire!
‘’I love marking students out of department and got to hear some great talks from our cricket and football students!’’