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Chemistry and Biology Preperation

Topics to have experienced before term starts 


Structure of plant and animal cells including the function of mitochondria and chloroplasts 


Structure and function of the human skeleton 

Healthy diet and digestion 

Cellular and human respiration 

Human reproduction 

Introduction to genetics and evolution 



Solid, liquid and gases 

Atoms, elements and compounds 

Chemical symbols and formulae 

Techniques for separating mixtures 

Representing chemical reactions using formulae and equations 

pH scale 

Exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions 

Periodic table 

The carbon cycle 


Higher maths 

MUST be competent with +, -, x, ÷ 

AND have knowledge of  

Fractions, decimals, percentages 

2D and 3D shapes including areas, perimeters, volumes 

Basic algebra 


% interest 

Plotting co-ordinates 



Equipment students will need to provide 

We normally provide much of the equipment for students to borrow and use but due to new restrictions sharing of equipment is unlikely to be allowed. Please can you ensure your offspring are fully equipped with the following 

For maths/English 

Black pens 

Pencils, (with sharpener) 

Ruler, geometry set (protractor, compasses) 


Felt pens, colouring pencils 

Highlighter pens 

Glue stick 


Wherever possible – calculator Casio fx-85GTplus for GCSE 


For science 

As above but also 

Lab coat – sold on Amazon and in most uniform shops – would prefer white but will accept coloured 

Chemistry stencil (if wanted) 


NOTE we provide exercise books, envelope folders and specialist papers such as graph paper but if students want to write their own notes on file paper this will have to be brought in (for their own use).