Course modules
Year 1
Maintain animal accommodation
Includes practical assessment
Principles of infection control for animal nursing assistants
Includes practical assessment
Companion Animal Parasitology and Zoonosis
Provide Basic Nursing Treatments to Animals
Includes practical assessment
Provide Nutrition to Animals
Includes practical assessment
Introduction to Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Includes an online exam to be taken on Preston campus
Principles of Companion Animal Pharmacology
Includes practical assessment
Principles of Animal Nursing Assistance
Includes practical assessment
Principles of Companion Animal Anaesthesia and Fluid Therapy
Entry requirements & additional information
Entry requirements
There are no qualification pre-requisites for those 19 and over, qualification requirements only apply to under 19’s.
GCSE (Level 2) English Language and Maths at Grade C/4 or above (equivalents will be accepted upon review).
If not employed in a veterinary practice, the student must secure a minimum of one day per week (8 hrs) in a small animal/mixed veterinary practice - this can be voluntary (un-paid). This is required in order to develop the practical nursing skills required to successfully complete the practical assessments.
The veterinary practice does not need to be an RCVS Training Practice.
Learning and assessment
The course length is 12 months where the students will complete an electronic portfolio of work to cover 9 units. Within these units, the student will complete workbooks and assessments, these will range from questions and answers, completing work charts and labelling diagrams. The students will also need to complete practical assessments within the workplace and work alongside a supervisor/mentor, who will need to be a qualified veterinary surgeon or qualified veterinary nurse. Paperwork to record the practical assessments will need to be completed by both the student and mentor to ensure the student gains the practical experience necessary to complete this course.
Students are not required to attend the college campus for the duration of the course and will receive personal tutorials via online meetings or by phone. Students will be appointed a college tutor who will set the appropriate online work and will oversee all the assessments and ensure the student meets the recommended guidelines/assessment criteria essential to completing the course.
On completion of the electronic portfolio, the students will be required to pass an online multiple choice question paper on anatomy and physiology. This is usually taken onsite at the Myerscough Preston Campus (However in certain circumstances the student may be able to sit the exam within their work environment). This is a one-hour paper, consisting of 30 questions with a 60% pass mark required. Once the student has completed and passed both the portfolio and exam paper, the student will gain certification. This allows students to progress onto the Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing.
On successful completion of the course, students will have attained 3 x GCSE equivalents including Science. Students who do not already hold GCSEs at Grade C or above – English Language and Mathematics (or equivalent qualifications) will be unable to progress onto the Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing.
Current students in receipt of full or co-funding may wish to consider the following qualifications alongside their Animal Nursing Assistant course:
Free to all full and co-funded ANA students
Ideal for staff working within farm practices
Essential for anyone working with animals
A range of canine behaviour/ training and safety courses run by industry professional.
Special requirements
Funding Eligibility
Please see our adult fees page on the website for more details. Funding is dependent on individual circumstances however this guidance can help you understand what your fees may be. The funding relies on your situation on the first day of the course.
Section A
You must live in Lancashire, Cumbria, Liverpool City Region, Greater Manchester or an area of the country that does not have devolved government. This postcode finder can help you identify this if you are unsure. You must live in a postcode area coded 105, 110 or 111. Please note this is the applicant home address not the practice address.
You must be 19+ on or before 31st Aug of your academic start year (for example if you start in the January Cohort then you must have been 19 on on before 31st Aug the year before)
You must not be completing a government funded course such as an apprenticeship.
You must not be a prisoner or on remand
Section B
To be eligible for full funding you must also:
Earn under £30 600 per year (Liverpool and Manchester Residents- Funding code - 111 and 110) OR £25 000 (Lancashire, Cumbria and other 105 coded residents). This is evidenced by payslips from the 3 months before the start date of the course.
Be unemployed and completing this course to support finding paid or voluntary work)
If you meet the criteria in Section A but not Section B, then you will need to pay a subsidised course fee (Co-funded amount). If you do not meet the Section A criteria then you will pay full course fees. A list of course fees can be found on the adult courses section of the website.
Fees (payable by students or practices)
Fully Funded Student Fees- £0
Co- Funded Student Fees - £724*
Non- Funded Student Fees- £2176*
International Student Fees - £2611*
*Fees based on government data which is revived approximately every May for the following September. Fees subject to updating following government fee confirmation.
Fees FAQ
Why do applicants outside the postcode areas 105, 110 and 111 not qualify for fee support?
The government programme of area devolution gives local devolved authority / metropolitan mayoral regions, full control over their adult skills funds. Only organisations with contracts with individual authorities can access these funds. Myerscough holds a National Non Devolved Contract and a Liverpool City Region Contract that has a small amount of provision for Greater Manchester Residents.
Why may I have to pay higher fees for new applicants than for previous students?
The programme of devolution is ongoing and every year more regions move to devolved status. You may find your area has recently become devolved.
The funding is linked to individual student postcode and so you may find that one employee is funded and one is not depending on where they live, especially if your practice is near a county border.
Why are my applicants now free when I have paid in the past
The adult funding rules are reviewed in year as are the wage thresholds for full funding. This means applicants eligible for funding can change year to year.