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Canine Taster Day - Canine Enrichment - Play

About the course

Aim -

Develop an understanding of dogs interactions with people and other dogs using play.

Outline how play can be a key canine enrichment tool and identify the types of play dogs’ engage in and why.

Examine the use of play as a behaviour modifier and relationship enhancer.

Observe dog/s interactions during play and examine how play is be used as a communication tool and may also to help modify canine behavioural issues

Objectives -

  • Play - what is appropriate behaviour during play - observations of positive and negative play interactions
  • Identify the signals and behaviours that are shown by the dog and if not acted upon could cause issues.
  • Outline and explain appropriate play behaviour
  • Examine how play can be utilised for canine enrichment
  • Identify how play can be used to positively promoting dog/ human relationships
  • What can be done to positively utilise play in a dog training session
  • Observe and analyse - Communication system used by dog and human when playing
  • Observe and analyse - Communication systems used a dog to dog play sessions occurs
  • Observe and analyse - Communication signals given by the dog when playing alone with an object
  • Examine other things that can affect how a dogs plays; breed specific, sex, health, age etc.

Who is the day for

Those who currently are working with dogs will find this day beneficial for the workplace; rescues, kennels, day care, dog walkers etc.

Dog trainers who wish to incorporate more play into their training classes

Dog owners who wish to understand how to enrich their relationship with their dog using play

Dog owners who wish to change how their dog view the world - for example the timid or fearful dog

Dog owners who have a high drive dog and want to understand how to positively engage with it.

People wishes to embark on a career working with dogs

Follow on short courses

Positive Dog trainers course - Level one

Aspects of Canine Behaviour course - level one

Canine Care - Physical, social and psychological needs of the dog level one

Positive Dog Trainers course - level two

Aspects of Canine Behaviour course - level two

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Booking Forms

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