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Aspects of Canine Behaviour - Part One

About the course

This course has been designed to look at various aspects of canine behaviour and communication. It will focus on the dog as a sociable animal and its interaction in today society.

Identifying how dogs' behaviour can be interpreted by observations of the canine communication system. It will focus in part on aggressive behaviour examine the skills required to modify an aggressive dog's behaviour.

Key issues - Identifying /understanding /channelling /modifying

Students will be required to work together on problem solving workshops and bring results of those workshops to the main group.


  • Canine Communication
  • Identifying & understanding canine/ human communication.
  • The interpretation of how dog's communicate and our understanding of their communication system.
  • Understanding Canine Behaviour Problems including, common behavioural issues, identifying the problem, discussing the cause and examining programmes to modify the behaviours.
  • Canine Aggression - What is an aggressive behaviour - when does it become a problem. Identifying the type of aggression and what factors influence aggressive behaviour.


Holistic Canine Care - Physical, Social and Psychological Needs of the Dog

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