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Teaching & Learning

One the key elements of College teaching is to provide students with the latest facilities and learning opportunities to develop their skills and future career prospects. Within the FFIT and Livestock Innovation Centre these include:

  • The first commercial UK installation of AfiFarm 5.2 herd management solution and Hanskamp out-of-parlour walkthrough feeders.
  • Accurate Diet Formulation system utilising Keenan Pace Technology
  • Livestock nutritional research & behaviour monitoring with GrowSafe technology 

The use of farm data in management decision making is of paramount importance and we are looking forward to developing this in detailed farm management exercises with our students.

Our teaching staff have the skills and expertise to deliver bespoke training for a range of external organisations. These have included dedicated programmes for utilities companies, bank staff, feed companies, machinery dealers and technical training for sales staff. We can also deliver team building days, covering aspects such as cattle handling, machinery handling and clay pigeon shooting.

View our Further Education Agriculture courses

View our Higher Education Agriculture courses

For more information, and to discuss your requirements, please contact our Head of Agriculture, Craig Thompson – cmthompson@myerscough.ac.uk 01995 642222 Ext: 2335

Visit our Agriculture and Farms Facebook page

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Case Study: Young Farmers Leadership Academy

Established in 2017 with generous support from the Princes Countryside Fund, this programme gives young farmers from across the country attend six two-day modules where they develop Leadership and Management Skills leading to a more strategic approach to farm business management.

Each module is delivered in the FFIT Centre, providing a professional environment to study and a venue which is isolated from College activities. Feedback from delegates and experts is that the facilities are excellent and support delivery in an agricultural environment. Delegates receive overnight accommodation and meals to support their overnight experientials. Industry experts deliver the course covering topics - leadership and management, human resource management, business management, innovation and supply chain management, business strategy and marketing and social media.

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Schools Liaison & Educational Visits

Our Schools Liaison team focuses on raising young people’s aspirations and awareness of the career opportunities that exist within the land based industries. Find out what we are able to offer at the FFIT Centre.

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Conference Facilities

The FFIT centre is available for use by a range of commercial organisations, societies, community groups and food businesses - for conferences, exhibitions, training courses, research and trials, food development programmes or regional meetings.

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Research & Field Trials

The Myerscough farms are renowned for undertaking a range of research activities; from student undergraduate dissertations and postgraduate studies to dedicated research trials with commercial and academic partners.

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Knowledge Transfer

The FFIT centre is a leading venue for knowledge transfer in the agriculture industry.

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Part-time & Short Courses

Myerscough College offers a comprehensive range of short courses to support the food and farming industries. Take a look at the options.

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Food Innovation Kitchen

Our unique Food Innovation Kitchen and product development laboratories enable raw materials to be developed into value added products – from cheese and yoghurts to ice creams and ready meals.

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