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Course Advice Morning - Preston Centre

Event date
Saturday 4 October, 10.00am to 1.00pm
Myerscough College (Preston);

Come along and meet the staff, tour the campus and find out more about Myerscough and our courses.

DSC 1693 Smaller

Advice Morning Preston

This Advice Morning and Applicant Showcase is ideal for students looking to undertake one of our Higher Education (Degree), Further Education (School Leaver), 14-16 (through Schools), Work Based Learning or Short Courses.

Register for this event here (see note below)

You only need to register a place for the name of the student that’s interested. We appreciate that parents, carers or family/support members will probably be coming along as well (and they’re more than welcome), but you don’t need to book a place for them.  

Support staff from our Admissions, Finance, Accommodation, Apprenticeships and Inclusive Learning teams will be available throughout the morning.


Tel: 01995 642222

Email: enquiries@myerscough.ac.uk