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Student Support

Here at Myerscough we have an excellent range of support and welfare services to meet your needs. Our advice and guidance team, based in The Core, is dedicated to helping you succeed on your chosen course.

Student life is a lot more than studying and exams. As well as discovering new friends and new experiences, it’s a transition period that takes you into a new phase of your life. So, if you find you need any information, advice and guidance along the way, just come and talk to us in The Core. We’ve got a range of support facilities specifically designed to help you on your journey.

Disabilities and Learning Support

Our Inclusive Learning team provides a flexible response to students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia). The College can organise a range of support, including:

  • British Sign Language (BSL) communicators
  • Study skills support
  • Exam concessions
  • Resources and equipment
  • Note-takers and scribes
  • Inclusive Learning Tutors
  • Inclusive Learning Assistants

Prospective students who might require additional support must accurately complete the yellow Learning Requirements Questionnaire, included with the College Application Form at the back of the prospectus, for us to be able to effectively plan to meet these requirements.

Disabled Student Allowance Rates

Download our table of the latest non-medical (NMH) helper rates:

Coming soon!


Perhaps you’re away from home and not in a position to talk to family and friends? You can still discuss any problems with our professional, trained counsellors. Whether it’s personal, social or academic, you can talk in confidence to an experienced, caring person who won’t judge you, but will listen - and can help you deal with your issues.

Health Care

A local medical practice holds daily surgeries at the College. If you are moving to Myerscough from outside the area, we strongly advise you to register with the local general practitioner. Dental practices are also available locally.


Our resident Chaplain is another source of help if you have problems or if you simply need to talk in confidence to someone who’ll listen carefully to what’s on your mind and what’s happening in your life. It doesn’t matter what your religious faith is (or even if you don't have a faith) the Chaplain is here for everyone.


Your time at Myerscough College is a stepping stone to your future career. If you need some advice and guidance in deciding exactly what you want to do after College, have a word with your personal tutor. You will also find a lot of information in the careers section of our library and in the dedicated careers section in The Core. Further help is available from our support team, which has close links with the local Young People's Service.


Fledglings is our on-campus nursery for children aged between three months and five years. It provides excellent facilities and is run by experienced, qualified childcare professionals. If you’re under 20 and have one or more children, Care to Learn is a government initiative that can help with the cost of your childcare and travel costs while you learn.