FE Fees and Finance
Download our Bursary Booklet Here
Course Fees
The majority of students aged 16 to 18 enrolling on full-time courses at Myerscough College do not pay tuition fees.
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own funding arrangements. There may be exceptional circumstances where, a student resides in England to study when specialist provision is not offered locally.
Fees for students aged 19 and above are dependent of the level of the qualification, where the student lives in the UK and how much the student earns / which benefit they are receiving. Students age 19-24 with a current EHCP will be funded in accordance with 16-18 rules.
For our full FE Fees Policy download our PDF
Level 2 and below qualification
There is funding available to support students aged 19 and above but this is allocated according to eligibility criteria. Most adult learners are eligible for support towards L2 tuition fees but must be able to provide evidence to support this. In many cases L2 courses for adults are completely free.
Eligibility criteria includes:
- Students between the ages of 19-23 studying their first full level 2 course qualification.
- Students in receipt of an income based benefits (students will be asked to self declare this)
- Unemployed students who are completing the course to support them into employment.
- Students in receipt of low wages (earning less than £25,000 per year or £30,600 for resident of Liverpool City Region or Greater Manchester) Students will be asked to provide evidence, generally in the form of payslips, for earnings in the three months before the course starts.)
Our Online Funding Indicator tool can give you an idea of whether you are eligible for free or partially funded courses (please note this will be confirmed following application when evidence to support funding claims will be requested).
Level 3 and above qualification
Fees are likely to be waived (free course) for students aged between 19 and 23 and studying their first full level 3 qualification.
All Level 3 Courses offered at the Croxteth Park Centre are free for Liverpool City Region residents who are unemployed or earning below £30,600 per year.
There are certain Level 3 courses offered that are free to all adult learners, earning below £25,000 per year or unemployed. These include courses in:
- Agriculture
- Engineering
- Environmental Conservation
- Horticulture and Forestry
Students aged 19 and above and not meeting the criteria above are liable for tuition fees of up to £11,356 for full level 3 or above qualifications.
Students may also be expected to pay for certain items of equipment, books, uniform, travel costs and residential trips/visits where appropriate. These are normally listed on the relevant course factsheets, available from Course Enquiries or on this website – use the green “Further Education” link at the top of the pages to find subjects and courses.
Our Online Funding Indicator tool can give you an idea of whether you are eligible for free or partially funded courses (please note this will be confirmed following application when evidence to support funding claims will be requested).
Employer/Sponsor paying fees:
If your fees are being paid by your Employer/Sponsor, a letter of authorisation will be required from them to be sent to the Finance Office at the College before enrolment. This letter should be emailed to salesledger@myerscough.ac.uk or posted to Sales Ledger, Myerscough College, St Michaels Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, PR3 0RY.
If any further information is required please contact the Finance Office by emailing salesledger@myerscough.ac.uk or phone 01995 642138 / 642230.
Sources of Financial Support
Advanced Learner Loan
Tuition fee loans are available to students aged 19+ studying a level 3 or above qualification. The loan will cover the full cost of the course and is paid directly to College from Student Finance England.
- Applications are made online at gov.uk/advanced-learning-loans.
- Before applying for a loan, a Learning and Funding Information Letter will be required, and this will be issued by the College following offer of a course.
- Loans are not means tested or subject to credit checks.
- Students must be living in the UK on the first day of their course, have been living in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man for 3 years before the start of the course and be a UK national or have “settled status”
Students will be required to provide a copy of their entitlement letter at enrolment, as evidence of the loan to cover the cost of tuition fees.
You'll only repay when your income is over £480 a week or £2,083 a month or £25,000 per year (before tax and other deductions). Students will only repay 9% of anything over the threshold. Interest is added to the loan at a rate of RPI + up to 3%.
Further information on Advanced Learner Loans can be found at www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan
Myerscough College Bursary Fund
Access our Bursary Portal here.
Financial support is available for students where the annual household income is less than £35,000. Students can apply for up to £4,000 if studying on a funded Further Education course. You can also apply for this bursary if you are in receipt of an Advanced Learner Loan.
Bursaries may be available for any one of the following:
- Help towards the cost of travel to College if the student travels daily and lives more than 3 miles from College. Eligible learners will receive either a free or discounted bus pass or a petrol allowance if travelling by car.
- Help towards level 2 or below tuition fees, if payable, and the student is travelling to College on a daily basis. Students who meet this criteria will also receive financial support towards the cost of travel either a free or discounted bus pass or a petrol allowance if travelling by car.
- Help towards the cost of accommodation if the student is living away from home during term time to attend College
Read a copy of our Bursary Policy
Vulnerable Learners
A maximum payment of £1,200 (increases to £1600 if entitled to Further Education Free Meals) may be available for the following groups of learners to help with the cost of travel to College, lunch, equipment or other course related costs, assessment will be based on financial need:
- Young people in care
- Care leavers
- Young people receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and anyone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner
- Young people receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right
For students aged 20 and under help is available from Care to Learn.
For students over 20 help may be available towards childcare costs through the Bursary Fund.
Please note that funds are limited, and you should apply as soon as possible – do not wait until enrolment. Applications become available during July prior to course start date.
Applications are made through MyPage. Students will need to first accept their place on the course in order to apply. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office by emailing bursary@myerscough.ac.uk or phone 01995 642398
Free School Meals
In order to be eligible for free lunches students must meet the following criteria:
- be 16-18, on 31 August OR
- be 19-25 on 31 August and subject to an Education Health Plan
In addition, students or their parents, must be in receipt of one or more of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of the State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 as assessed by HMRC
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa
Students can apply for free school meals through the Bursary Applications details of which can be found above.
If you have any questions in regards to the free school meals please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office on 01995 642398 or email bursary@myerscough.ac.uk.
Charitable Bequests
Students may also be able to get financial help from charities or other bodies, who have allocated funds to help particular students or courses. A directory of grant making trusts can normally be found in your local library or online at www.acf.org.uk.
Grants may be available from any of the following:
- Shepherd Street Trust (shepherdstreettrust.co.uk) for students under the age of 21 living within 50 miles radius from Preston Town Hall.
- Studley College Trust (studleytrust.co.uk) for students on land based courses.
- The Prince’s Trust (princes-trust.org.uk).
- Family action (formerly known as Educational Grants Advisory Service) – Guidance and advice on funding for those studying in post 16 education in the UK – family-action.org.uk.
- City and Guilds (http://www.cityandguilds.com) for students who would like the opportunity to study for a City and Guilds / ILM qualification, and who would otherwise be financially unable to
Further information about financial support for students is available at Apprenticeships,14 to 19 education and training at work - GOV.UK or from the College’s Student Finance Team on 01995 642398.
Our learning provider registration number is: 2147.
All fees are to be paid in full at the start of a course, or a payment plan arranged with the College. Payment can be made by card either online at Online Payments, by calling the Finance Office on 01995 642138 / 642230 or at the Finance Office. Alternatively payments will be accepted by cash at Main Reception during office hours.