#NAW2021 – Forging a career in farriery is neigh problem at Myerscough
- Published
- Wednesday 10 Feb 2021
It’s National Apprenticeship Week.

Farriery training at Myerscough College continues to go from strength to strength.
Myerscough is widely recognised within the industry for its high-quality training of the next generation of farriery apprenticeships, with sector-leading successes and regular national recognition. The excellent on campus facilities, and links to approved employers, provide a great platform for students to ‘forge’ a career in the industry. As a major provider of farriery courses in the UK, Myerscough plays a key role in training the next generation of farriers, to ensure standards within the industry remain as high as they can be.
Farriery is an ancient craft that dates back to the days of the Roman Empire. A modern Farrier is highly skilled and is capable of shoeing all types of equine feet. Training is lengthy, with an apprenticeship lasting four years, before a final examination to achieve the prestigious ‘Diploma of the Worship Company of Farriers’. Apprentices work for an Approved Training Farrier and undertake block release training and assessment at Myerscough College.
Farriery apprenticeships remain an immensely popular career choice, especially as the British are a nation of animal lovers. There are almost half a million horse-owning households in the UK, many children have grown up riding horses, and it is also a popular hobby, meaning qualified farriers will always be in demand.
A farrier is a skilled craftsperson with a sound knowledge of both the theory and practice of the craft, capable of shoeing all types of feet, whether normal or defective, making shoes to suit all types of animal and working conditions, and of devising corrective measures to compensate for faulty limb action. Modern farriers must have knowledge of the anatomy of the horses’ feet and legs, be able to work alongside veterinary surgeons, manage and handle horses, understand and meet the needs of clients and successfully run their own business.
Myerscough College is one of just a handful of providers of farriery training in the country, and has a strong track record of learners completing the course and going onto a successful career, which, despite being an ancient craft, remains a vitally important part of the equine industry.
While most farriers are traditionally men – it was a trade traditionally passed down from fathers – a growing number of women are showing an interest in the profession.
In recent years, there has been a large amount of recognition for Myerscough on a national and international level. A number of Myerscough College farriery students have been recognised for the quality of their work on a national level during the industry’s annual registration ceremonies over recent years. The Worshipful Company of Farriers and the Farriers Registration Council present diplomas to newly qualified apprentices from across the country at a ceremony in London every year, and hand out individual awards to outstanding learners.
In 2015, Myerscough College were honoured to welcome Her Majesty, the Queen, for a special Royal visit, where she was given a demonstration of the shoeing of horses from Lancashire Police by two farriery apprentices.
For more information on any aspect of apprenticeship training at Myerscough College please contact the Employer Services Team on 01995 642255 or email employerenquires@myerscough.ac.uk
by Dave Salmon