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Myerscough student wins prestigious agriculture award

Thursday 18 July

An inspirational Myerscough College student has been recognised with a prestigious agriculture award.

Gys24 Student Award Victoria Gornall (1)

18-year-old Victoria Gornall has been named Myerscough Agriculture Student of the Year by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, and was presented with her award at last week’s Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate.

Victoria has just completed a Level 3 Extended Diploma programme in agriculture.

Her tutor at Myerscough, Liz Johnson, said: ‘’Victoria was raised on a dairy and sheep farm in Chipping, Lancashire. She is passionate about farming and is joint programme secretary for Chipping Young Farmers. At college, Victoria is a positive, dedicated and hard-working student who is always happy to help support her peers.

‘’She excels equally in practical and theoretical lessons, is eager to learn and does so with a positive attitude. For her research project this year she has investigated colostrum quality within her dairy herd at home.

‘’Alongside her studies, Victoria has spent the last two years assisting her family with the development of their new 20 a side milking parlour.

‘’She has been heavily involved in the whole project, from researching designs though to construction and finally milking a herd of 200 in the new parlour!’’

Victoria’s long-term goal is now to work within agriculture and animal health sectors as she develops her career.

Congratulations, Victoria!