Myerscough creative writing competition a success
- Published
- Thursday 16 Jun 2022
Myerscough students have taken part in a creative writing competition, to win the chance to have their work published.

Students and staff from all subjects and campuses were invited to get creative, with a competition that aimed to promote the importance of literacy skills in everyday life.
The competition encouraged entries of up to a maximum of 300 words, and could be a story, a poem or a description of something Myerscough College related or inspired.
There were various events to support the competition, such as inviting poet Dr Mike Garry to lead sessions with staff and students on the importance of literacy for life.
1st Place: Molly Bailey - Animal Care
2nd Place: Isabelle James - 14-16
(Joint) 3rd Place: Alicia Pettigrew - Photography & Aimee Hyde - Gen Ed
These, along with others, will be published in our very own Myerscough Writer's book which will be held for sale on campus.
Here is the winning entry from Molly, who as part of her prize also chose the title of the book -"The Voices of Myerscough"
"Bright skies and the buzzing sound of students passing in the grounds of Myerscough College. The subtle sounds of the birds in the woodlands and the stream trickling down the bank. Faint murmurs of conversations of the varieties of staff ready to inspire the younger generations that sit, eager to learn. In the distance the roar of a freshly fixed engine gliding on the concrete ground. The range of choices... from studying parrots to planting carrots; Myerscough offers opportunities for the mind to explore the uncommon and the unusual.
‘’The scents of the fresh breeze engaging your nose and refreshing your lungs, the warmth of the sunlight resting upon your face, as you delight your taste buds at Richmond’s café. The oh so familiar sound of the rustling of sweets and crisp packets in the store and the clinging of the change.
‘’Myerscough - bursting with aspirations, the waves of hopes and future goals to be achieved all waiting for you to explore, from working with their magnificent creatures to photographing them. Your mind is waiting to be given the opportunistic experiences that will be provided in your hands, ready for you with just one reach- so don’t ponder too long, we want you!"
Rachel Newton, Teaching and Learning Coach at Myerscough, explains more: ‘’There were also creative writing workshops with students from UCLan delivering sessions for our FE students.
‘’We also have poems found by UCLan students printed and shared across the whole campus at Preston, all related to the vocational subjects our learners study here.
‘’One of the most exciting aspects of this project is that we are going to be creating an anthology of creative written work in book form which will be published and will be available for purchase.
‘’All the entries are inspired by Myerscough College in some way, making this a book about Myerscough by Myerscough.
‘’Students have engaged so well with the project and we are getting some really positive feedback about creative writing. People have been surprised about how much it allowed them to express themselves and that they have actually enjoyed doing it.’’