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Introducing the Compass Curriculum

Wednesday 12 March

Myerscough College is part of the Compass Curriculum – an exciting offer for all Fylde Coast Academy Trust Year 9 pupils currently selecting their optional subjects.

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The offer gives pupils at FCAT institutions including Armfield Academy, Aspire Academy, Garstang Community Academy, Gateway Academy, Montgomery High School, and Unity Academy – the opportunity to study a vocational subject as an alternative to a traditional GCSE option.

This high level of interest reflects research completed in 2022 by Big Education and Youth Futures Foundation with young people in the local area who clearly have an appetite for a wider curriculum offer, that is being delivered on Fridays.

Subjects available include agriculture, animal studies, equine, horticulture and motorsports.

Dean Logan, FCAT CEO said: “About two years ago the Fylde Coast Academy Trust started to think about a new long term development plan for the trust and some of the ideas behind our plans were shared at a joint training day for all our schools.

"Under the objective of developing our pupils, one of our goals is to adjust the curriculum to address social disadvantage and provide stronger progression routes to support pupils’ future success in education or training. To this end we have introduced the Compass Curriculum."

“The Compass Curriculum is our first major development in our secondary schools. Over the last 12 months we have developed partnerships with Blackpool and the Fylde College, Myerscough College, Youth Futures Foundation (YFS), Right to Succeed and Blackpool Council.

"Every pupil deserves something in the curriculum that gives them a hook and motivation, to experience excitement and know what it feels like to be successful. We believe our pupils will be better equipped to continue in education or training as they will know more about careers and have a wider set of skills and experiences than school alone can bring.

‘’Everyone should have something in education that they look forward to, enjoy and gives a sense of agency in their future”.

Carolyn Hall, Director of Climate and Culture at FCAT, said: "The Compass Curriculum courses are structured to allow progression from level 1 to 2 (where possible) which is the equivalent of a GCSE, therefore, allowing pupils to specialise early and move straight into the L3 qualification (A-Level equivalent) when they leave school.

‘’These career pathways will ensure that pupils have an employment future and stay in the area.

"Our Year 9 pupils are currently choosing options and for our cohort 2 we are widening our offer. Inclusivity is key and our offer is available to all pupils in our schools who are choosing their options."

She continued: “This programme goes beyond the Trust’s statutory requirements. We need to do this because it is clear that in our locality the number of school leavers not in education employment or training (NEET) is way too high, much higher than the national average.

"We need to do more than meet our statutory requirements in the curriculum, to improve the situation and support the area and region by providing our school leavers with stronger employability skills, qualifications and experiences that reduce the number of young people not in education employment or training and so increase young people's life chances and the prosperity in the areas they live and work."

‘’We are very excited about working with our partners to deliver, sustain and build this transformational curriculum. We appreciate their commitment and contribution in the delivery phase, and welcome the support that YFS is giving us for Compass Curriculum, significantly aiding the longevity of the programme.

‘’Ultimately, Compass is making a difference to our pupils where they need it most."