Higher education Research Conference a success
- Published
- Friday 8 Nov 2024
University Centre Myerscough’s annual Research Conference was a huge success.

The conference was split into three main areas, promoting the whole concept of research and its essential part it plays in Myerscough’s learning experience.
Once again the feedback showed it was an excellent event and attendees commented on how well the research had come across. All sessions were extremely well attended and external attendees were clearly impressed at the standard and extent of research.
Speakers in the animal welfare section included equine expert, Dr David Marlin, Matt Watthey and Tom Kay from the Wyre Rivers Trust, and Dr Marc Pierard, UCLan School of Veterinary Medicine Staff, and ecologist Lucy Wilde, as well as Myerscough graduates and staff including Amy Brennan, Rachel Clarke, Nick Gornall and Charlotte Hodgetts.
In sports research, the opportunity was given to showcase staff and student research, including expert panel debates, and research workshop activities.
Speakers included Dr John Fry, Research Lead, University Centre Myerscough, and Dr Laura Carey, University of the West of Scotland.
Greenspace research speakers included Dr Hugh Morris from SRC, Dr Ed Pyne from the Woodland Trust, alongside Myerscough HE tutors Julie Smith and Dr Andrew Hirons.
Meanwhile, the afternoon industry project poster presentation provided a development opportunity for degree students to share their research and ideas, with poster presentations by programme learners across a wide range of study areas taking part.
The event has successfully showcased our student work and shown what a diverse range of research we undertake at University Centre Myerscough.
This event could not have been made successful without the support to the teaching and support staff, students and of course industry representatives, friends and family, and research collaborations which make this all possible.