Hard work is par for the course for Myerscough’s first ever ‘Apprentice of the Month’
- Published
- Tuesday 10 Dec 2024
A former Myerscough further education learner has taken the next steps in his career journey after being employed by the college as part of his apprenticeship.

Jake Taylor has been recognised with a special ‘Certificate of Resilience and Dedication’ for his efforts, as he undertakes his Level 2 apprenticeship as a Sports Surface Maintenance Technician Apprentice, within Myerscough’s sportsturf department, working on maintaining the golf course facilities at the college’s Bilsborrow campus.
19-year-old Jake has been recognized for his exceptional perseverance, unwavering effort, and outstanding attitude as an apprentice in golf greenkeeping.
Starting his journey with Myerscough after he left school, on a Level 2 City & Guilds Diploma in Practical Horticulture Skills study programme, Jake excelled during his work experience with the Myerscough sportsturf department.
His hard work earned him a place on a Level 2 golf greenkeeping apprenticeship, where he continues to shine with his dedication and enthusiasm in both his work and his ongoing studies.
Jake’s determination and commitment is truly inspiring and we congratulate him on this well-deserved recognition!