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Employer Information for Myerscough Apprenticeships

We have arranged for one of our Specialist Assessors to contact you to arrange a visit.

As an employer who will soon be taking on a Myerscough College Apprentice you must be aware of the follow steps.


Step 1: Action you must take

Step 2: The Sign-up Meeting and Assessment

What we need to do during the meeting:

Complete a Health and Safety Audit of the intended workplace/workplaces

Complete the Apprenticeship Sign-up Process

An initial assessment of the Apprentice's Maths and English levels

The Assessment

In some cases, apprentices will be given permission to complete the assessments before the sign-up meeting. You will have been informed in your Apprentice is eligible to complete the test before the meeting.

If the assessment is required to be taken at the workplace, then it will take a minimum of 2 hours to complete and has the potential to take up to 4. If possible, a quiet room with internet access should be made available to allow the applicant to complete the assessment.

If you have any concerns in relation to the vist, then please advise the Assessor during the initial contact phone call.




To allow us to maximise the time available during the visit, please ensure you have prepared the following documents for viewing:


  • Your current Employer Liability Insurance.


  • The Employee’s Contract of Employment (if a contract is not yet in place we will need to know; the start date of employment, date of first workplace induction and confirmation of the applicant’s wage).


  • A completed Apprenticeship Grant form for collection (if applicable, see the Apprenticeship Grant section within this email for more information).


Please note if the applicant is 19 years of age or older, then an employer contribution may be required. You can discuss this with the assessor during the visit or contact our Employer Services team using the contact details below:



Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds


If you meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to claim a grant. You can check your eligibility and complete the appropriate form by visiting the Government Website by clicking here*. We are happy to answer any questions you may have in relation to this.


  • Do you have more than 50 employers?
  • Is the Applicant over 24 on the expected start date of the course?


If the answer to either of the above is yes, then you will not be eligible.


The Apprentice must have been employed recently for a specific apprenticeship role (should not be an existing employee unless duties have changed significantly).



Applicant Assessment and Interview


We will be inviting the applicant in for an interview at the College. The interview will consist of a Maths and English assessment as well as a face to face interview. It is designed to establish expectations on both sides and to identify if any additional support needs to be introduced to assist the applicant with their learning. It is likely that visit to the workplace will take place after the interview date.



Contact us


For help with finance, grants and fees please email: employerenquiries@myerscough.ac.uk


For help with documentation and business processes please email: emp@myerscough.ac.uk


Telephone queries: 01995 642255



*Please note that these are Government documents and are liable to change during the applicant process. Whilst the College will endeavour to support employers during the process, we are unable to accept responsibility for any delays in submission that may have been caused by Government process or document updates.



Kind regards



Myerscough Recruitment and Admissions

Email: emp@myerscough.ac.uk

Telephone: 01995 642255

Dear Sir/Madam



Myerscough College Apprenticeships and Skills


Application for


We have arranged for one of our Specialist Assessors to contact you to arrange a visit to complete a Health and Safety Audit of the intended workplace/workplaces and complete the apprenticeship sign-up process. The duration of the visit can vary depending on the size and nature of your company. The tutor will give an estimated duration upon first contact and in some cases a second visit may need to be scheduled.  





To allow us to maximise the time available during the visit, please ensure you have prepared the following documents for viewing:


  • Your current Employer Liability Insurance.


  • The Employee’s Contract of Employment (if a contract is not yet in place we will need to know; the start date of employment, date of first workplace induction and confirmation of the applicant’s wage).


  • A completed Apprenticeship Grant form for collection (if applicable, see the Apprenticeship Grant section within this email for more information).


Please note if the applicant is 19 years of age or older, then an employer contribution may be required. You can discuss this with the assessor during the visit or contact our Employer Services team using the contact details below:



Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds


If you meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to claim a grant. You can check your eligibility and complete the appropriate form by visiting the Government Website by clicking here*. We are happy to answer any questions you may have in relation to this.


  • Do you have more than 50 employers?
  • Is the Applicant over 24 on the expected start date of the course?


If the answer to either of the above is yes, then you will not be eligible.


The Apprentice must have been employed recently for a specific apprenticeship role (should not be an existing employee unless duties have changed significantly).



Applicant Assessment and Interview


We will be inviting the applicant in for an interview at the College. The interview will consist of a Maths and English assessment as well as a face to face interview. It is designed to establish expectations on both sides and to identify if any additional support needs to be introduced to assist the applicant with their learning. It is likely that visit to the workplace will take place after the interview date.



Contact us


For help with finance, grants and fees please email: employerenquiries@myerscough.ac.uk


For help with documentation and business processes please email: emp@myerscough.ac.uk


Telephone queries: 01995 642255



*Please note that these are Government documents and are liable to change during the applicant process. Whilst the College will endeavour to support employers during the process, we are unable to accept responsibility for any delays in submission that may have been caused by Government process or document updates.



Kind regards



Myerscough Recruitment and Admissions

Email: emp@myerscough.ac.uk

Telephone: 01995 642255